Dr. Monya Yoga & Therapy

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International Yoga Day

                          Tuesday, June 21, 2022

Yoga is considered an ancient practice that originated 5,000 years ago in India. Yoga was developed to connect the mind, body, and soul to step closer into enlightenment. As the practice became popular in the west, it became popularized as an exercise and relaxation method, with claims to help the body’s general well-being, and alleviate physical injuries and chronic pain.

The theme for 2022 is Yoga for Humanity.  People around the world embrace yoga to stay happy and healthy.  During the pandemic, yoga continues to be a way to stay connected to a healing community.  During times of isolation and loneliness, connecting to a yoga community helps us to feel less alone and more supported.   Yoga builds resilience and fights social isolation, anxiety, and depression.

In addition to the human suffering, the COVID-19 pandemic has also highlighted several key weaknesses related to the social, economic, and developmental models of countries around the world. Future prosperity demands that the member states rebuild differently as they recover from the COVID-19 pandemic.

The essence of yoga is balance - not just physical balance within the body or the emotional balance of the mind, but also balance in our human relationship with the world. Our health, our economy, and our environment impact ourselves and those we care about.  The impact is also global - affecting the world around us. 

Yoga emphasizes the values of ahimsa – respect for all living things and avoidance of violence toward others.  Other values of yoga include moderation, discipline, and perseverance. When applied to communities and societies, Yoga offers a path for sustainable living.

Yoga invites you to come as you are.  Yoga is not about the pose or the form.  Yoga is how you feel inside. Connect to your true self – your very best self. And make a difference in the world around you.