Dr. Monya Yoga & Therapy

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Mile Marker 65

Wow! Turning 65 is a new beginning . . . a new phase of my life. I cannot believe the amazing life I am privileged to live. If you have reached Mile Marker 65, you have seen and experienced so much. There is a comfort in talking with others the same age or older. We reminisce about the days of the old-fashioned telephone, party lines, long distance calls, three channels on the TV, playing outside until dark, riding our bikes everywhere and so much more.

My husband introduced me to the phrase, “Don’t let the old man in.” It makes a lot of sense. How do we keep the old man (or old woman) out? Yes, I agree, we can’t completely control the aging process. However, we can control many other things including the people, places and things in our life, what we eat and drink, the people we surround ourselves with, how much we exercise our brain and our body, whether we wear sunscreen, and so much more. Below are nine healthy habits from the people living in the Blue Zones.

The Blue Zones: Live Better, Longer - Blue Zones. I highly recommend learning about the Blue Zones - five regions of the world where people live longer and healthier into their 80s, 90s and 100s. People living in the Blue Zones do not experience high rates of obesity, diabetes, or heart disease as we Americans. People living in the Blue Zones share 9 characteristics.

  • 80% Rule: Eat until you are 80% full.

  • Exercise regularly: Keep moving - make exercise a regular part of your life. You don’t have to have gym membership - take the stairs instead of elevator, park your car further away so you have to walk, etc. . . .

  • Prioritize sleep: Sleep is a time for our body and our brain to rejuvenate and restore.

  • Have a life’s purpose: What is your life’s purpose or hearts deepest desire? What gets you up and going every morning - no matter what circumstances.

  • Prioritize stress relief: Although stress is impossible to avoid, chronic stress is unhealthy for your body and may contribute to inflammation and other health conditions. Take time out to do things you enjoy. Separate yourself from things you no longer need - no longer serve you. Effective ways to manage stress include napping, praying, and spending time with friends and family.

  • Eat mostly a plant-based diet: People living in the Blue Zones do each meat and fish occasionally - however, they eat mostly a plant-based diet.

  • Enjoy a moderate amount of wine: One to two glasses a day with family and friends is a common practice among many adults living in the blue zones (except for the Seventh Day Adventists living in Loma Linda, California).

  • Have a spiritual practice: A belief in something or someone greater than yourself.

  • Surround yourself with supportive friendships and family. As human beings, our brains are hardwired to be social. It’s important to belong - to be part of a tribe. Do you have people in your life who have your back?

Do you have any thoughts about Mile Marker 65? Share your tips or words of wisdom about living longer and healthier. I would love to hear from you!