Dr. Monya Yoga & Therapy

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Trauma Informed Yoga Therapy

Trauma Informed Yoga Therapy

As a licensed psychologist and certified yoga therapist, I specialize in trauma informed yoga therapy. As a trauma informed yoga therapist, I recognize that many of my students are trauma survivors. I offer a yoga practice that is tailored to meet the unique needs of each of my yoga students. My goal is to create a safe space to experience various sensations, emotions, thoughts and feelings. Learn how to respond to, rather than react to triggering people, places and things. A safe space is confidential, comfortable and quiet. I invite you to slow down the pace. I do not use the names of yoga postures. Yoga therapy sessions are limited to four to eight students. I am thoughtful regarding touch and ask for permission prior to each class.

I am mindful of yoga poses that may trigger or activate trauma symptoms. I prioritize empowerment and control and encourage my students to speak and honor their truth. I encourage my students to make any adjustments their body is calling for. Yoga therapy is not about the pose, the alignment, or the form. Yoga is about how you feel inside.

Yoga is a breathing practice with postures. Breath work is just as important as movement. Our breath is one of the most important tools we have; already inside of us. Our breath is free and accessible 24/7. Students learn and practice various breathing techniques to experience present moment awareness and assist in managing their nervous system - specifically, engaging the parasympathetic nervous system for rest and digest.

Students are guided to connect to their physical and emotion bodies. Borrowing from the wisdom of Richard Miller’s iRest Yoga Nidra, students practice body and breath sensing. Interoceptive awareness, awareness of internal body sensations. is explored and encouraged. Students are encouraged to let go of thinking; to stop trying to understand or change anything. I do not demonstrate the postures, rather students are encouraged to feel their way, guided by internal sensations.

It is through yoga therapy, that we can change everything we want to change.