My Favorite Season
Saturday, September 23 is the official first day of fall or the fall equinox. The equinoxes (September & March) are the only times when both the northern and southern hemispheres experience roughly equal amounts of daytime and nighttime. This occurs at the same time throughout the world.
Autum is a time of transition and change for the solar system, as well as plants, animals and humans. As we move into a different season of life, temperatures fall, and the leaves transform into spectacular autumn colors. The sun is magnificent - rising later and setting earlier. Animals begin to collect and store food. Their fur may grow thicker and heavier to prepare for winter. Other animals fur changes color to blend in with the colorful foliage. Many bird species migrate south for the winter. Human bodies prepare for the change in seasons by slowing down and storing more fat. We wear heavier clothing and often dress in layers to keep warm.
Our yoga practice may also shift as we navigate life's challenges and continue to carve out space for our daily or weekly yoga practice. Our yoga postures focus on physical and emotional balance, beginning with our legs, feet and toes. As we bring our awareness to our low back and hips, our bodies stand tall. As we strengthen the base of the body, we ground ourselves into the earth. For a moment, imagine if your legs are wobblily or if you are feeling dizzy. It is difficult to stay present when struggling to have both feet on the ground. When we are able to be present, we are more likely to be able to think more clearly and stay focused. We are more responsive and less emotionally reactive. Yoga helps to foster strength and resiliency. We are better able to bounce back whatever comes our way. This is where our journey begins.