Dr. Monya Yoga & Therapy

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Dr. Monya’s Yoga Therapy Blend

As a clinical psychologist, yoga teacher, and yoga therapist, I discovered a great way to heal and transform the whole person by blending yoga therapy and the principles and tools of yoga nidra. During a psychotherapy session, my client (who was a fellow yoga teacher) asked what a yoga therapy session might look like.

I explained that yoga therapy begins with the body. The body is a great place to start because we already have one. If we are survivors of interpersonal trauma, we may be disconnected to our body, which may be carrying varying degrees of hurt and pain. The body, combined with breath, is central to the healing process.  

As Bessel van der Kolk, Ph.D. has written in his book “The Body Keeps Score” our bodies store emotions and memories – often trauma or hurt that occurred long before we developed language. Our body, mind, and heart seem separate.  In fact, they are part of our whole being.  When we listen carefully to our body, it can teach us a great deal about what is most difficult for us to recognize and come to terms with from the past.   Our body teaches us how we can heal our hurt with kindness and wisdom.  In yoga and yoga therapy, our breath serves as a bridge between our body, mind and our best selves. Yoga therapy is the process of dropping in to your body, bringing your awareness to bodily sensations, feelings (heaviness/lightness, coolness/warmth), thoughts and emotions. Yoga therapy consists of yoga movement and holding various postures while noticing what is happening in your body in the present moment. You don’t need any prior yoga experience or a particular body type to benefit.

Richard Miller, Ph.D. created iRest Yoga Nidra (Yoga Nidra Meditation and Deep Relaxation Techniques) for trauma survivors. The core principles and ten tools of iRest are amazing compliments that serve enhance yoga therapy. IRest Yoga Nidra includes breath and body sensing, welcoming feelings, thoughts and emotions, as well as the meaning of intention and life’s purpose and much more.

My Yoga Therapy Blend helps facilitate healing and transformation. Contact me to learn more about how yoga therapy can help you.

Heal and Transform! Connect to your body, your mind, & your best self