10 Rules For Good Health
I recently discovered the best kept secret in Olney, Maryland. A Doctor of Chiropractic Medicine who focuses on the whole person practicing Kinesiology. Technically, Kinesiology studies the mechanics of human movement and how it impacts our health and wellbeing. A very interesting quote posted in my doctor’s office exemplifies why he is such an effective practitioner.
When you think about it, the rules of healthy living are simple. It is my responsibility, if possible, to provide my body and mind with a healthy frame. Consume fresh, whole and non-processed foods and drink plenty of water. Think about what processed foods contain (sodium, preservatives, and additives), and the effects of not drinking enough water (dehydration, brain fog, etc.). Keep moving and have a positive and supportive network of friends and family. These simple changes can make the difference between merely staying alive and living a quality life. Dr. John Ratey, author of Spark, describes any physical movement, including walking, running, pickle ball, tennis, gardening, yoga, etc., as miracle grow for the brain. If you follow the Blue Zones, these are a few of the nine characteristics of the people in these five areas of the world who are living healthy and purposeful lives well into their 80s, 90s, and 100s free of dementia, diabetes, hypertension, and the like.
10 Rules For Good Health
I discovered this tiny ceramic cup written in English and Chinese. Inscribed on the cup were these words . . . .
10 Rules For Good Health
Eat less meat, more vegetables.
Use little salt, more vinegar.
Eat less sugar, more fruit.
Put less food in the mouth, chew more.
Wear only as much clothes as you need, bathe often.
Speak fewer words, take more action.
It is better to give than to receive.
Worry less, get plenty of sleep.
Drive less, walk more.
Control your temper, walk more often.
I challenge you to incorporate one or more of these simple rules into your daily life. Living healthy is not an all or nothing approach. Eat less meat. You don’t have to give it up entirely. Listen more. Talk less. Get plenty of sleep. Drive less, and walk more. I’m sure you will look and feel better! Send me a note and let me know how it’s going.