Live Longer and Better

The “Blue Zones” coined in 2005 by John Buettner as five places in the world where people live well into their 70’s, 80’s, 90’s and 100’s without heart disease, hypertension, and dementia. The five places are, Icaria, Greece; Sardinia, Italy; Okinawa, Japan; the Nicoya Peninsula, Costa Rica, and our very own Loma Linda, California. Why are people in the “Blue Zones” outliving us? The longest living people in the world share nine characteristics:

  • Put Family first - Family is first and foremost - extended family members tend to live together rather than assisted living or nursing homes.

  • Have a Life’s Purpose: Everyone including older family members have a life’s purpose; a reason to get out bed every day. Older family members feel valued; they may be in charge of the gardening, cooking/baking or child care for the family.

  • Consider a plant based diet: Animal products are not eliminated, however, consumed less. Eat more legumes.

  • Move naturally and often: Not necessarily going to the gym five days per week. Rather, climbing stairs rather than taking the elevator, riding bicycles rather than driving cars, etc. Physical movement is built into their daily lives.

  • A sense of belonging: All ages are socially active and part of the community (social clubs, religious or spiritual activities).

  • The right tribe: Surround yourself with like minded people. Keep yourself surrounded friends and social circles that promote healthy behaviors.

  • 80% Full: Eating until you are 80% full rather than 100% full

  • Drink moderate amounts of red wine (especially red wine from Sardinia)

  • Down Shift - Find time for rest, relaxation and hobbies

My fascination with the “Blue Zones” was intensified when I recently read about a Japanese medical doctor who passed away (in 2017) at the age of 105. As a medical doctor, Dr. Hinohara saved hundreds of lives in groundbreaking preventative medicine. Reportedly, up until two months before he passed away, he was working 18 hour days between his work at the hospital and his lecture circuit. Dr. Hinohara’s secrets to living a long and better are similar to those of people living in the “Blue Zones:”

  • Living a Life of Purpose: For him, it was selfless service to others. Dr. Hinohara suggested finding a purpose that keeps you busy. According to Dr. Hinohara, not having a full time schedule is a sure way to age faster and die sooner. He recommended staying active in tasks that help you fulfill a purpose.

  • Use olive oil: Olive oil has been shown to reduce bad cholesterol and inflammation and high blood pressure. Dr. Hinohara’s diet was spartan. For breakfast, Dr. Hinohara drank coffee, a glass of milk and orange juice with a tablespoon of olive oil. Lunch was a glass of milk and a few cookies. Dinner included vegetables, a little fish and rice. He ate 100 grams of lean meet two times per week.

  • Eat Less and don’t be over weight: All people who live long share one thing in common: None of them are overweight or obese.

  • Have fun: Find time to participate in activities you enjoy and engage with people who share your interests.

  • Don’t have too many rules: Dr. Hinohara believed that human beings should not be obsessed with restricting their behaviors.

  • Don’t retire too soon: If you must retire, retire after 65

  • Share your knowledge: Teach, write and find other ways to share the wisdom of your years

  • Always take the stairs and keep your weight in check: He took two stairs at a time to get his muscles moving.

  • Remember that doctors cannot cure everything.

  • Find inspiration, joy and peace in art

  • Spend time with your parents and treat them well.


As we transition into 2021….


Living the Full Catastrophe