The Root Chakra

muladhara chakra

The root chakra (energy center) is located at the base of the spine, the pelvic floor and the first three vertebrae. The root chakra is responsible for our sense of safety and security on this earthly journey. It is where our journey begins.

Color: Red.

Element: Earth.

Organs Impacted: Adrenal Cortex.

Areas of the body: Eliminatory system, legs and feet, skeletal structure, teeth, large intestine, kidneys, blood.

Yoga Poses: Standing Poses, Mountain, Goddess, Warrior II, Warrior I, Side Angle, Triangle.

Balancing the Root Chakra helps the spinal column, rectum, legs, bones, and feet. It energizes the body and increases overall health.

Root Chakra Meditation:

Visualize yourself rooted and grounded to the earth. Draw strength from the earth and your sense of feeling grounded, secure and stable.

Allow the feeling to grow. Gather energy from your root chakra, giving you a stable foundation to continue on life’s path.

As I breath in, I feel connected to all that is around me.

As I breath out, I sense a strong foundation.

Full Breath

As I breathe in, I feel a sense of security and stability.

As I breathe out, I move forward with a connection to who I am.




The Energy Centers of the Body