What is Yoga Therapy?

Phoenix Rising Yoga therapy is grounded in yoga, Buddhism, psychology, and neuroscience. An individual yoga therapy practice incorporates the six phases of experience, including breath and movement, edge, meditation, insight and action. Another option is Group Yoga Therapy, which integrates the six phases of experience and the eight themes of transformation. With awareness comes acceptance and change.

In Sanskrit, the language of yoga, yoga means to link, connect or to yoke. Yoga therapy is a healing and transformative process that empowers the individual to become their best self . Yoga therapy takes you out of your head space and brings your focus to the body, the mechanism of change.

We do alot of talking and getting stuck in our head space. We spend little time listening to our body - unless our body feels uncomfortable or painful. What is your relationship to your body? Do you have a relationship with your body? Is your relationship with your body critical and judgmental? Does your body let you down? Is it unpredictable and disappointing? Many of us were raised in families and in a society where we were ashamed or rejecting of the body we have. Perhaps the ideal body was never attainable. If we experienced trauma to our body, sexual or physical trauma, we may not be connected to or aware of our body. Perhaps we didn’t have control over our body, what we put into our body, who touched our body or bodily functions. Our body is a complicated part of who we are.

Yoga Therapy guides us to awareness, acceptance, change, and recognizing your truth — leading to powerful healing and transformation.

Join me for “A Taste of Group Yoga Therapy” at the Happy Yogi in Olney Maryland on Sunday August 29, 2021 from 4 pm - 5:30 pm. If you would like more, check out my 8 week Yoga Therapy Group beginning Sunday, September 12, 2021 from 4 pm - 5:30 pm. Where healing happens!


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