Do you find yourself stuck in your head? Dwelling on the past or worried about the future?
Experience How Yoga Therapy Can Help Manage Your Moods.
Questioning the past can leave us feeling regretful, ashamed, or sad. When we worry about the future, uncertainty can put us on edge and make us feel overwhelmed. When we are present, we feel calmer, more connected, and are more likely to be responsive versus reactive. Yoga therapy is a transformative practice for today's hectic world. Yoga therapy helps us connect with and draw from the wisdom of our bodies, so we can keep one foot in the present, while learning from the past and planning for the future.
Healing begins from the inside out. Through focus on the breath, you are encouraged to feel your way through familiar poses, guided to a place where body sensations connect to the mind, a quiet place where insight is translated into action. Join me for a group yoga therapy practice focusing on using the body and the breath to manage your mood.
Where: Happy Yogi Cooperative, 2200 Baltimore Road, Rockville, MD 20851
When: Mondays: 9/11/2023 - 10/9/2023 (No class 9/25) 4pm - 5:30pm
Each week's session will build on the previous experiences, and will include:
exploring the intersection of yoga and psychology, including interoceptive awareness, the brain and the nervous system;
Learn how changing the way you breathe and think, can change the way you feel
breathwork, gentle movements, meditation and journaling; and
group discussion, for those who are comfortable sharing.
“You have all the tools you need — already inside of you.”
More Details:
This class is offered in-person only (no online component).
Cost: $99 for 4 weeks, or $30 to drop in/try the first class
30% Happy Yogi Collective Member Discount
Dr. Monya Cohen is a certified yoga therapist (C-IAYT) and licensed psychologist (Psy.D.) with a specialty in empowering adolescents and adults who experience symptoms of depression, anxiety, social anxiety, PTSD and complex trauma. Dr. Monya believes that a regular yoga practice builds emotional and physical balance, and the resilience to bounce back from life’s challenges.
Please note: Proof of vaccination/boosters is required. Please email a picture of your vaccination record to upon completion of registration.