Heal Yourself. Heal the World.Are you wishing to heal the world? Searching for answers to eliminate suffering, war, & disease? First heal yourself. Then help others. We're helping collect gift cards for youth with learning and emotional disabilities. For more information, email: Marlayna.proctor@maryland.gov Or mail your gift card to: JLG-RICA c/o Marlyana Proctor 1500 Broschart Road, Rockville, MD 20850 Extending healing services in communities near and far. Yoga with differently abled Boy Scouts in Maryland, USA. This hard-charging, dedicated group of Happy Yogis completed 108 Sun Salutations to honor wounded service members and their families. 100% of the proceeds going to Tragedy Assistance Program for Survivors (TAPS). Meet the UCLA Medical Center Resilience Group. I traveled to Tel Aviv, Jerusalem and Haifa from February 15 - February 22, 2024. We were there to bear witness to Hamas's attack on Israel on October 7, 2023. As a group of mostly medical doctors, we visited several medical hospitals. This is a photo of us on the RamBam Health Care Campus in Haifa. Yoga with the Boy Scouts in 2024. Comedy Night Fundraiser. September 20th and 21st.