Confidence: It’s What Makes Me Feel Amazing
Would you ever change something about yourself if you knew it would make you feel better, but worried about what others might thing?
Would you ever change something about yourself if you knew it would make you feel better, but worried about what others might think?
“I considered not wearing a wig as a way to fully embrace my journey, but confidence isn’t about making a statement — it’s about feeling good in your own skin. And today, this is what makes me feel amazing. Hair is more than just hair, it’s identity, confidence, and culture. And for me, that connection started when I was just a kid.”
Growing up at the tender age of 11, I was the only girl in my family that knew how to do hair, and I was the go-to person when it came to doing everyone’s hair. I knew how to braid with extensions, cornrow, curl with curling irons, and many other different hairstyles. Growing up, doing hair wasn’t just a skill. It was something that I enjoyed doing, and it brought me closer to my family. On struggling days, hair grease and water solved every problem we had — we would slick our hair in ponytails and go on about our day, feeling as confident as ever. Looking back, I realize how important our hair is in the Black community and what it truly represents.
At the age of 14, I wore my very first sew-in, where hair extensions are sewn onto braided sections of your natural hair using a needle and thread. Over the years, I continued to wear weaves and braids, which eventually led to traction alopecia around the crown of my head. I didn’t realize then how much tension and neglect were affecting my hair. Looking back, if I knew what I know now, I would have taken better care of it.
I want to speak for all Black women when I say our edges mean the world to us. It’s our identify; it’s the deciding factor on what type of hairstyle we can wear. And oh boy, do we have plenty of options. A year ago, I noticed that I was not longer able to wear braids because of the balding around my edges. For the first time, I felt like I was losing a part of myself. The one hairstyle that had always been my go-to was no longer an option. Braids are more than just a style; they’re a protective hairstyle — one that doesn’t require much maintenance. We call it our “vacation hair” or our “get-up-and-go” style.
That’s when I knew I had to figure out a way to restore my hair and my confidence. Since I was no longer able to wear braids, I just wore weaves. It was an easy switch — one I didn’t have to think too much about. But after awhile, I realized that I was constantly relying on them to cover up the problem instead of fixing it. I tried oils, treatments, and protective styles, but nothing worked. That’s when I came across something I never thought I’d consider — a hair transplant! I learned about hair transplants through research, and I knew this would be my only real hope of restoring my hair. I started reading online forums, watching YouTube videos, and seeing other women share their experiences. Most of them were traveling to Turkey for the procedure. The more I watched, the more excited I got. Many of these women were going to Heva Clinic. Their experiences were positive, and the results spoke for themselves. So, I did what any smart woman would do — I dug deeper. I researched the clinic, read reviews, and reached out with my own questions. They quoted me $2,400, which included three night’s accommodation at a five-star hotel, transportation to and from the airport, and car service to and from my appointments. The prices were a steal compared to what the procedure would cost in the States — on average about $12,000 or more. Everything about Heva Clinic reassured me that it was the right place for me. One of the biggest reasons I chose this clinic was because they specialize in Black hair. That was important to me. I wanted to go somewhere that understood our hair texture, our hairlines, and the challenges we face when it comes to hair loss. The more I learned, the more confident I became in my decision.
On December 16th, I travelled to Istanbul, Turkey, alone with my suitcase and my confidence. Many of my friends and family didn’t understand my decision, but I knew this wasn’t about them — it was about me. When I arrived in Turkey, I was greeted at the airport and taken to my hotel. I got settled in, and the next day was surgery day. You would think that traveling along to a foreign country to get a medical procedure was scary enough, but that was not my greatest fear. It was the needles! I was nervous, because people described numbing injections as excruciating. And they were right! The pain was intense — it felt like a bunch of bee stings in one area. After about 10 minutes, I started to feel my scalp go numb. The worst part was over.
Once I was completely numb, they began the extraction process. They removed hair follicles from the back of my head called the “donor area,” and transplanted them to the “recipient area” — the thinning areas. In seven hours, they implanted 2,000 grafts into my scalp. After surgery, I felt fine. There was pain, but nothing that was too unbearable. Over the course of a few weeks, my hair went through — and is still going through — a a transitional period.
As of today, I am two months post-op. The swelling, itching, and scabbing period is finally over. Now, I can truly focus on healing, but I know that will take time. I still have a long way to go. My hair won’t even start growing until around month three, and even then, it’s a slow process. But I remind myself that this journey is about patience, trust, and transformation. I have always exuded confidence, but this journey has elevate it.
“Don’t sit down and wait for opportunities to come. Get up and make them”
That is exactly what I did. I didn’t wait for my hair to magically grow back; I didn’t sit in self-pity — I took action. I traveled across the world, invested in myself, and made the decision to reclaim my hair and my confidence. Because confidence isn’t given to you — you create it. So, if you ask me today, would I every change anything about myself to feel better? The answer is simple: Yes. Because confidence isn’t about what others think — it’s about what makes you feel amazing.