Dr. Monya Yoga & Therapy

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Living the Full Catastrophe

We are living in uncertain times, living a new normal, wearing face masks and social distancing. Unable to hug and touch loved ones. We have all heard stories of grandparents talking to grandchildren through a closed window or door. Adults are working from home and children are attempting to learn as they navigate the virtual classroom. We are living what Jon Kabat-Zinn coined as The Full Catastrophe, the richness of life with all of it's ups and downs. My students often ask for tools to help them to feel more centered, grounded and calm. My September workshop, Living the Full Catastrophe, is based on Jon Kabat Zinn’s best-selling book, Living the Full Catastrophe.

There is only one agenda item for this workshop: let go of all of the doing and just be, just as you are.

During this workshop, you will experience three important mindfulness tools: Sitting Meditation, Body Scan and Mindful Hatha Yoga. You will experience how mindfulness practice can change your life. Learn about the seven attitudinal pillars of mindfulness and the power of the breath. In Sanskrit (the language of yoga), yoga means to yoke or connect. Our breath is the bridge that connects the body and mind. Understand the body/mind connection and how beliefs, attitudes, thoughts and emotions can harm or heal. Invite beginners mind and be open to the possibilities. Connect to your body, your mind, and to your best self.